Thirdway – a leading office design and build agency – needed a new brand to keep up with the growing success. They asked Kemosabe to perform a complete brand overhaul in 10 weeks.
Having entered the market 5 years previous, they were the newcomers who were ruffling feathers in the industry – providing something creative, innovative and top class. They were hungry to become the No.1 leaders in their sector.
We knew that we had to bring the culture of Thirdway and it’s people to the forefront. The first step was to interview each of their 80 strong team – including People Director, Hannah Grothier, who said:
“The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack’’
Mile Deep
We gave Thirdway an full rebrand – complete with new logo, TOV, typography, look & feel, signage, messaging, and assets.

Go Deeper

“It was clear from the very first meeting with Kemosabe that they understood our culture and purpose on a very different level to anyone else we had spoken to, which is a hard task with us. The understanding of where our brand was, had been and where we saw it being taken was captured perfectly, and after a lot of to and fro in getting to a place everyone felt right for us, we achieved the unimaginable; a brand that everyone company and client-wide agreed beautifully grasped who we now are as a company”
Rob Walsh, Creative Director, Thirdway